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Dear friends,

As a member of the English Day comission, let me introduce you to the new, outstanding and awesome English Day Song Contest 2019: Milà’s Got Talent, which will take place in our high school the next 22nd of February.

The bases of the contest are:

– The contest will be performed in the playground from 12:45 until 14:45, as a karaoke.

– All the students of 1st and 2nd of ESO must take part in the show. It is compulsory for the 9 classes.

– There will be two separate competitions. One for 1st. ESO and another one for the 2nd. An experienced jury will

award a prize to the best performance in each competition.

– Each class must choose 3 songs to perform. The ED comission will decide which one will be performed.

– Three aspects will be taken into account: language accuracy and pronunciation, dàncing performance and custome.

– The song must be practiced at least during 4-5 english classes.

– The last hour (from 13:45 to 14:45) the rest of ESO students will join the show as the audience

– There will be also an exhibition of the teacher’s choir during the show.

Thank you for your attention. Keep in in contact,


Sergi Esteba.

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